Getting Your First(ish) Job: How to Brand Yourself

Sophie Shippe
3 min readDec 2, 2020


There are plenty of self-help and marketing materials for professionals, but there is a lack of material for young people looking for their first, everyday, job. Young women, especially, need to know how to brand themselves, as women often experience imposter syndrome and tend to sell themselves short. So how do you overcome your imposter syndrome if you haven’t had any (or barely any) experience?

My biggest advice is to treat yourself like a brand — seriously. Ask yourself “would a company market themselves like this?” For the most part, if the answer is yes, do it for yourself.

I recommend you consider these 6 steps overall:

  1. Identify your strengths and values and don’t be afraid to talk about them. How are you unique? What new perspectives do you bring? Especially when interviewing, be sure you know what new viewpoint(s) you will bring to the company. And then tell them about it!
  2. Think about your audience (i.e. the hiring managers and the company) and tailor yourself to them. For example, babysitting can help you develop many skills such as: communication, working well with different types of people, and child care. Choose what skill you show off depending on the job you are trying to get.
  3. Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. Have you built a babysitting network? Did you do yard work around your neighborhood? Are you great at talking to strangers? A company posts about their accomplishments, and so should you.
  4. Network in your community. Frequent local businesses and restaurants (when safe to do so). If you are in school, connect with teachers, staff, and counselors.They can help you find places to work or even connect you with their local friends who can offer you a job. You can also connect with other adults at your place of worship or in other activities you do. (This really works. I got one of my first jobs because I knew the hiring manager, and she knew I was a great fit.)
  5. Similar to how a company would have an “about us,” create an elevator pitch or a quick summary of who you are, including how you want others to view you. Use this in the bio statements of your social media profiles on websites like MoreWithUs, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Also, make sure to keep this in mind as you interview or network.
  6. Utilize social media. Social media is vast, but two great platforms for jobsearch are LinkedIn and MoreWithUs-Everyday Jobs. LinkedIn can help you connect with other people, see company updates for places you are interested in, and help you find jobs. MoreWithUs is helpful because it is a jobsearch website in which local or small businesses can search and find job seekers. If you’re looking for an everyday job or your first job, this is a great resource.*

It may be scary to enter the professional world and to market yourself. However, marketing yourself is a valuable skill to use in order to get your first job and as you continue to develop and work in the professional world. Remember that marketing is about telling your own story in a way that works for you. So, know your story and tell it your way.

*When you make your profile at, put the code [SS21239] at the end of your bio in the description box.



Sophie Shippe
Sophie Shippe

Written by Sophie Shippe

Sophie Shippe is a senior studying Media and Communication Studies. She was an intern for the job search company, MoreWithUs-Everday Jobs.

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